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Gifts of stock are a valuable source of support for Our House, Inc.'s programs and services. Donating a gift of stock has significant tax advantages and offers many financial benefits, such as:


  • Flexible options: You can donate stock, mutual funds, and bonds.

  • Lower taxes: You can deduct the total current value of your donated securities.

  • No capital gains taxes: Instead of selling stocks that have appreciated and donating the proceeds, you can donate the stock to Our House, Inc. and pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation.


Thank you for considering making a gift to Our House, Inc.  For questions, email or call 662-334-6873, ask for Dr. Patricia Davenport, Executive Director.


The information on this page is not intended as legal, financial, or tax advice. Please consult an attorney, financial advisor, or tax advisor to determine the right option for you.








@2017 by Our House, Inc. , Post Office Box 3956, Greenville, MS 38704

662-334-6873 office line, 662-334-6875 fax line, 662-332-LOVE(5683) Crisis  Helpine local, 1-833-279-LOVE(5683) Crisis Toll Free Helpline

Voices Against Interpersonal Violence: Speak out*Teach*Educate*Protect*Serve

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